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Quattro Yonshi

A member registered Apr 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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Day 31 (THE END)

Hi everyone!

I am so happy! I just released my project!

So... The game is called Adventures with Classmates, and it's a demo! You can find it here!

Well, now I'll summarize how I found myself in this month of development. In the beginning everything was fine! I had started creating the first events, the first sprites and tilesets, at a good pace, until I had a lot of commitments in these last two weeks... And so yes, in the end I was unable to insert everything I had planned , but I'll start working on the first major update tomorrow. But I will do it calmly, given my personal commitments.

After I finish developing the demo, I'll start thinking about the full game! The full game will not be a continuation of what I released for this Game Jam, but the characters, scenarios, etc. will not be discarded!

Well, I can't say much for now. I hope you enjoy my project, as I enjoyed making it!

Day 20-30

Hi everyone!

Well, it's been a while since I wrote here, right? That's because I didn't have much time ... But I was able to develop most of the things I needed to put into the game! Unfortunately, as I thought, there are a few things missing that I will include in a major game update.

First, here's a list of what I've been doing these days:

  • Made all the battle sprites;
  • Made the latest major events of the game;
  • Made some tilesets;
  • Right now I'm building the page of the game;
  • Other minor things.

And now here's a list of things I needed to add, but unfortunately couldn't add:

  • Sprites overworld;
  • Soundtracks (actually the game itself does not include many OSTs);
  • Ambient noises and random sounds
  • Secondary missions;
  • Secrets!

Well, that's all for today! Tomorrow is THE DAY! I will release the game in the late afternoon!

Day 18 and 19

Hi everyone! Yesterday I worked little, but today I managed to create the battle sprites of the four protagonists! Here they are:

Day 17

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to tell you that, most likely, I will not be able to insert everything I wanted to add to the demo. Today, however, I was only able to work a battle sprite of one of the main characters. I started going to college today, so I don't know how long I will be able to work on the game.

Anyway, what I probably won't add when the first demo release is released will be (this list will be updated if anything is added at the end):

  • Side Quests (at the beginning of the game, the mechanic will be mentioned, but there won't be in the first version. They will be added slowly in future updates.);
  • Some sprites (both overworld and battle sprites. RPG Maker pre-defined sprites will be inserted. Obviously, they will be updated with custom sprites in the first update!);
  • Battle animations (some abilities will have repeating animations. But I don't know whether to do this intensional thing or not.).

I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Anyway, I'll add skills tomorrow if I have time. Good night to all!

Day 16

Hi everyone! So, today I finished making the animations in battle! Tomorrow: mixed work , since I don't know what to do.

Day 15

Today I created a new map, new tilesets, new events and animations for the battle! But today I was very slow because I am sick. I hope to do something more tomorrow!

Day 14

Hello to all fellow developers! Today I drew many overworld sprites! Today I finish a little earlier because I have been working without breaks since this morning! Tomorrow I will have to work non-stop, again! Good night to all!

Day 13

Hello everyone! Today I finished making the overworld sprites of the four protagonists! Here it is:

Tomorrow... More overworld sprites!

Day 12

Hi everyone! Today was a slow day for me to develop, but I managed to complete one of the overworld sprites! Tomorrow I hope to complete two, so as to present them to you! Having said that, greetins!

Day 11

Hi everyone! Unbelievable but true, today I finished creating events for the first part of the main story! It lasts about 20 minutes (depends on how long it takes you to defeat various enemies.). From tomorrow I start drawing more sprites for the overworld! It will take a long time, but it's worth it!

Day 10

Hi everyone! 

Today I have made so many events in the game! If I go on like this, I will be able to do a lot of events this week! And then I'll also have to think about making a lot of sprites and translating the game!

Have a good night!

Day 9

Hello everyone! Today I kept adding in-game events!

This has been a very confusing week for me, so I guess I should think of a development plan... Anyway, I'm very tired now! I got up around 8:30 in the morning to continue game development!

That's all for today!

Day 8

Hello everyone! Here's what I did today:

  • Created two new maps;
  • I added new events to the game;
  • I made the first battle sprite! So I present to you the male protagonist:

And that's all for today! Tomorrow I will add more events to the game!

Day 7

Hi everyone! Here's what I did today:

  • I made other tilesets!
  • I removed the choice of the protagonist between boy and girl. Now there is only the boy, but you can still customize his name. I made this choice for reasons of lore;
  • ...That's enough. I haven't done much today.

Here is what I would like to do tomorrow:

  • Continue the events of the game (however I was planning on making the main game last about an hour. After all, it's a demo!);
  • Make some battle sprites;

Day 6

Hello everyone!

Here is what I managed to do today (from today I will make a list of things I have made, just to simplify my writing):

-I made several tilesets! And now I'll show you two of the game maps that I managed to complete:

-Other minor things.

Tomorrow I hope to do more! That said, good night!

Day 4 and 5

Hi everyone!

Unfortunately, yesterday I didn't write what I did because, well, I hadn't done much actually...

Today, however, I continued yesterday's work! Basically, I worked on the first boss fight in the game! Unfortunately, it's only the first 5 minutes of the game...

Tomorrow, however, I will start designing tilesets for the game maps (or rather, the maps that I have made in these 5 days in the meantime)!

Well that's it! Until tomorrow!

Day 3

Hi everyone! Today I focused more on the graphics part of the game! Unfortunately, the overworld sprite of the male protagonist kept me busy today, but I'm satisfied with it!

Here is the sprite in question:

Day 2

And here I am! Day 2 of the Devtober!

So, here is a brief summary of the first adventure of my game: the protagonist and three of his classmates have decided to spend the night in a hotel to have some fun. The only challenge is not to make too much noise, otherwise they will be stopped by the guards!

Today I developed a few things for the battles, the choice of the protagonist and the first map! It ain't much, but it's honest work! Tomorrow I'll start drawing some graphics.

Good night to all!

(1 edit)

Day 1

Hello everyone! This is my first Devtober!

The game I started developing is actually a demo that will show a small amount of things I wanted to add to my dream game, thought up years ago.

To develop the game I will use the RPG Maker MV engine. I have been practicing with this for 10 months, but I still have a lot of things to learn... Luckily, I have gotten some Plugins that will help me make content that I have planned and am planning in time!

In a nutshell, the game tells different adventures of 5C classmates: adventures such as visiting a small town, a BIG city, exploring woods, caves, etc. Unfortunately, for Devtober, the game will not have a lot of content, but I hope to entertain you all the same!

I'd like to write more, but now it's 1:30 AM, so I'm very tired! I'll probably post a list of things I've planned in the game!

PS: Sorry for my bad English!