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A member registered Feb 06, 2024

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After navigating the comments I found the wall jump trick: it is naturally hard due to the gameplay style, but the problem is that it is not conveniently explained in-game, specially for new players. A lot of people who has never played Celeste before (myself included) found attractive a N64 inspired game from an outstanding indie title, so a simple tutorial may be good.

Even tho, for an early release of the game it is technically completed, I haven't found bugs at all.

(9 edits)

I don't know if it is for N64 inspiration,  but for those who have never played Celeste before, they don't know the controllers. I somehow managed to pass the first wall, but honestly I have no idea how I did it. It needs a simple explanation for controllers, or a tutorial. 

Also, it would be good to add Control customization (But anyway, thanks for changing jump for X and Y for speed boost in the Pro Controller). The Pause menu options don't respond persistently or they don't work at all with the Controller.

 I can't save the game with the Pro Controller, but it is posible with "C" key on "Save & Quit".

But, despite that, I think it is a beautiful game with great mechanics and nostalgic style. I love the music, but this playfully music in the Cassette areas can become annoying after dying too many times (but I like it, I guess it is obnoxious in the hardest or non-rithmic levels), but I think that is more like a personal opinion. 

I will add for developers, I download the version "Celeste64-1.1.1-win-x64" But overall, the design is cute and it is a joyfull experience