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A member registered Jan 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Oh no it died :(

Oh sorry, I totally forgot. This work is cc-by

Thank you! It's still in active development ^^ I plan to add more as the need arises.

Hey, I posed an update :)

Glad you liked it!
I will post more updates in the future, unfortunately I don't have much time :(

thank you! The game could definitely use some tuning. Who knows, maybe, in the future ... :)

Thanks! We wanted to add few more things regarding the words, but sadly we didn't have much time for that. 

Thanks for playing!

thank you for playing the game and for the thorough feedback!

Hello everyone! We updated the binaries (now they should all work). Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hey, thanks for playing the game! Seeing you play gave us some material on what needs to be improved in the game interface :)

Thanks for the feedback, glad you managed to beat the game!

Eheh, the hot water is actually fluctuating and the pipes need time to get to the full temperature.
The amount of cleanliness depends also on the flow of water, the more water you manage to keep flowing, the faster you clean :)

Well, we wanted to deliver a painfully accurate simulation :D

Yeah, they indeed work like sliders. I'm sorry :<

It is possible indeed, but as it is very accurate with reality, it's very hard.

I have no idea what's going on, can you attach adb and see the log?

Ah, sorry. The game is amde for mobile, probably should have added clearer instructions