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A member registered Feb 12, 2023

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from memory, there isn't really anything TF related besides a few werewolf characters

no its fine, i just have trouble reading stuff at times

it seams its certificate has expired

im not sure if im reading that part of your comment correctly, but if you want to delete a save on PC, hover over it with the mouse and click the delete button on your keyboard, that works with most renply games.

love the save system so much personality, so cute.

im on pc

while im not on patreon, from what i can see from the public side, they have an update possibly planned for later this month for patreons, which means we should get an update soon after

no, the progress and stuff is stored somewhere else, where that is,?  i have no clue. I have this problem with a bunch of different games on itch so i'm used to it at this point and havn't had any problems fixing it this way.

i was so confused why i wasn't getting any of the new content, then i rembererd i have to delete the game for the update to apply correctly.... at least its an easy fix.

suprisingly, some of my saves still work, mostly just the earler ones like my day 3 ones

in anders rout day 8, if you choose not to easedrop and then ask Ander about his convo with Tora on the bus you get cought for easedroping

is the english one out, or is it on hold?

(1 edit)

i got hero-tic wolf's riddle right but i accidently added an extra L :(

how do you lodge someone 

nvm i moved on

am i missing something?

i'm so confused,

 in a good way


sorry for not doing the bug report, I couldn't figure out how to upload a save and forgot about it the next day.

the problem is gone, but all my items turned into bannana pork potater stew

i gotten new items, and have no problem with the new ones.

all items

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 1, in execute

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 1, in execute

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 4, in execute

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 34, in execute

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 35, in execute

  File "game/screens/inventory.rpy", line 35, in <module>

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'item'

ive ran into an error, everytime i hover over an old item in my invetory it opens an error message

continuing the dialoge, the person continues to be refrenced as "(patron name)" and when they speak it just says "???" for the name

i think i found an error; on chesters route, day 8, chester is intruding eric to  his friends in the lounge and says "Eric, meet Kevin and (Patron Name)."

made the chicken lazone, messed it up a bit by accidently doubling the spices, but i fixed it. came our really nice, will make again.

haw many endings does Dardar have

4 years late but...

best route he quits and pursues his dreams of being a writer

neutral route he continues at the collage and puts your relationship on hold

also as far as I was able to tell from experimenting, the pivotal moment to change between routs was how much you let Dardar tease you on that one day. for the best you gotta stay sitting, submit, and go along with his text message. 

I ran into an error on day 7 in darias rout when I click the option "protest more"

cried one last time for good measure 

cried twice so far, What a wonderful ending for harolds route

i opened it... i... what, that begining 

thanks, that really helped, and gives me a refrence for other routs in the future when im ready for the other epilogues

is there a harold epilogue? i just completed what i belive to be the best ending for harold but nothing showed up on the epilogues menu. 

However, i did get the recipes and i'm definetly making both of them, thanks for adding that feature, so excited.

to be clear. "end" means end of newest update

i screamed at the "end" of jo's route, really nice game from what iv'e seen so far, really ecited to see how it will progress in the future.  

after you defeat the warlord he'll jump you when leaving your ship in akra

im trying to progress the side quest for stealing a brain but i can't travel to novel nexus, is it still a wip or is there something i have to do to unlock the other planets besides akra sith and the coment

you have to first have the convo about arthur making chip a brain, then you need to have a drink at the coffe shop on the second floor of akra and invite chip, after that you can talk to chip about a sythetic brain and you'll get the quest, 

at least that's what i remember doing, i could be leaving a step out somewhere. 

(sorry for copy, just wanna make sure all get notif.)