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A member registered Jan 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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The glitch concept of the game and the effect on the enemies is really cool. I liked the minigame you have on each level but it seemed like there was only one way to solve it so maybe you can add some more variation. Overall, I think the game is cool and the visuals are nice.

I like the concept of the game. The theme is interesting and I think you really stick to that style in your levels. I think you could make it clearer to the player that the exit portals have different functionality.

Overall, I like the game and I think it's definitely an improvement on the first iteration from a previous assignment. I like the variation in animations for different actions and events. I think the jump button and the health bar don't really match the style of the other buttons on the screen. Also, I think the sizing and placement of the UI seems a little big compared to the rest of the game. 

I really like the visual style of the game and it looks like a lot of work has been put into creating the many different images to work with the text. I noticed that the player gets right into the game when the app is opened so maybe having a start menu first would help. Also, the visual style of the puzzles seems noticeably different from the rest of the game.

The dog avatar is really cute and I think the music with the barking goes well with the dog theme while providing an interesting contrast to a more classic dungeon-style game. I played the game in the beta and I think the solution you came up with for the spiral staircase is an improvement over the previous iteration. I think the camera rotation is still a bit awkward so maybe one option could be to separate it from the avatar and allow the player to control the rotation with some controls. Also, the UI text was really small so maybe you could make that bigger.

The visuals for this game were very developed with the menu background images, font, text boxes, characters, and map overall. I like the NPCs at the beginning who teach you how to play the game. I also think the background music and the choice of a space-like background for the dungeons are very fitting with the theme of the game. One minor suggestion I have would be to make the UI a little bigger, but, overall, it is a very well-made game.

Overall, I liked the concept you were going for in this game. The cooking/eating theme was definitely different from a typical adventure/action game and I like the aesthetic.

I really like the concept of the game. The UI elements are cool and the little red circle to show where you click is a nice touch. I think the game starts off pretty difficult and there are quite a few different controls that might take the player a bit of time to learn. Maybe you could start off with an easier level first to ease the player into the harder levels.

I really like the concept of the game and having to solve multiple different puzzles. I think the simple and plain environment works really well with the story of the game. I like how the lamp for a house lights up after you finish it. I think it would have been cool if you spawned outside the house you finished instead of in the middle of the street again. Personally, I felt that the camera rotation was a little too fast. Also, maybe you could let the player try to guess who the character is at the end rather than just revealing it.

I like the aesthetic of the game, especially in the first level. The cyclopes in the second level are also pretty cute. A suggestion I have is to make the UI text bigger. Also, the font is white which makes it difficult to see against the bright-colored setting of the game.

I like the art style of the game and the visuals are well done. The sound effects and background music also work really well with the theme of the game. I think something that could be improved is the UI that shows health and ammo. It is currently pretty small and difficult to see. I think making it bigger would help or even adding some kind of visual element to replace it.

I like the art style of the game and the visuals are really well done. The background music is fitting and I like the little sound effect when the player takes damage. I like that the player gets the option to choose between melee or a limited ranged attack. I noticed that I could occasionally bump into enemies without taking damage and it seems like I should lose a heart after being hit twice but it's not super clear initially.  There were also times when I could somehow catapult the player through platforms and walls skipping the entire level. Overall, the game is really well done. I like the variation with the combat system and the difficulty for each level is fair.

I like the concept of the game and the story that it is built around. I think the background music is cool but, when you move to the next level early in the game, it gets cut short. Maybe you could make the music persist through levels to allow it to play completely. Also, the textures for platforms are often stretched out so maybe you could have used tilemaps to help fix that. You could also add some kind of sound effect for when an enemy is killed. Overall, I like the story of the game and the way the visual style matches that. 

I really like the visual theme of the game and the use of background music for the levels. I like the addition of the checkpoint system and the portal idea is interesting. It was not obvious at first that the player is able to climb on the vines so maybe you could add some kind of indicator that tells the player the vines are interactable. Overall, the game was really enjoyable and I think it's just missing some more visual elements and sprites in some areas to make the art more consistent.