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A member registered Jan 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Cool entry dude!

I had fun feeding these little Peter Griffins, lol. I would carve out as much as I could without them ‘noticing’ (aka: keeping one block in their way) then releasing the flood gates :)

Thanks for submitting and sharing!

Great idea that fits the theme. The game is very pretty. The shader makes me feel like I need to dig up some old red/blue 3d glasses.

The stage design is superb and I really enjoy how each stage within a level transitions into each other. Makes it feel like one cohesive level.

This game is brutal though! Very hard lol I usually make a point of beating each of the jam entries but I dunno, this one may beat me. Very difficult, especially the last segment of level 2: that’s a real doozy!

Thanks for submitting!

(1 edit)

Such a good idea coupled with great execution! Art is cute, game loop is tight and rewarding. Great entry!

Thanks for submitting!

I just wish there were more levels :)

You and me both haha just ran out of time :)

The music sounds so familiar, but I can’t pin down why.

Haha it’s from my 2023 Summer Game Jam entry

Thanks for playing and the kind words. I had a few more ideas for influencing the level, including a ‘drill’ action but, just like the levels, ran out of time. I want to carve out some time to continue exploring this idea, maybe with a port to Playdate.

Lol glad you figured ’em out though!

Thanks for trying it out :)

I think submitting the a design doc like this is pretty cool! Lets you flush out the idea and give it a chance, while not investing weeks to find out you’re not really all that into it. Thanks for submitting!

Forcing players to the upgrade path for the ghosts is devilish! Made me really try to think through the lesser of each evil.

Very cool submission! I got lucky a couple of times where I got surrounded by a bunch of ghosts that collapsed lol

Nice work and thanks for submitting :)

Simple ideas that are built upon by the level design - nice work!

At first when I died and got kicked back a level I was thinking, “Oh, a little bit of risk/reward is in each of these jumps”.

Then I got kicked back like 5 levels in a row. Brutal!

Took a lot of time, lol but I beat it. Thanks for submitting!

This game was made by Mike Purdy, Jack Lawless, and Brandon Aguilar

Thanks for the kind words :)

Glad someone got the King of the Hill reference :)

I fumbled on the readability of some of the sprites, difficult with limited palette and size (but ultimately an excuse for lack of skill haha)

Thanks for giving it a shot!

Thanks for playing around with it. Hoping to use this ‘demake’ to really hone in on the game loop and the fun.

Just got my highest score: 68

Ah man, that does sound frustrating! Sorry, should have been more clear with goal/expectations. Thanks for giving it a whirl though, and glad the game was still fun despite the shortcomings :)

I’ve been working on bug fixes and will see how I can better educate the player as well. I’ve already got some quality of life changes in place which I think will help players.

Real easy to implement :)

Thanks for the suggestion and playing the game!

Oh, man, I remember the Molotov cocktails in the old GTA games were so badass hah

Was surprisingly difficult. RNG got me pretty good a few times by stacking dragon + eye making an impassable wall of death.

The characters run cycle is great lol, real goofy. I like the death animations too :)

This was enjoyable.

Took a little bit of time to get the hang of it but I felt real good when I was making money, lol. I feel like I’m better off with 0 cleaners haha just a bunch of bots and towers surrounded by cones.

The boss’s voice was a nice bonus.

Difficult! But not unfair.

Love the art and the attention to detail like the tape!

I felt like I got in my groove when I realized my ‘pro strat’: Grab box, go to right side and move crane all the way up to stop the movement, then go back down.

This was cute game, I really liked it!

Most of the games I’ve seen you make have a core concept that is tightly nailed down, and then polished up - the recipe for success. This one was no different :) The game felt good, and I agree with @multivoxmuse, I think the difficulty was spot on.

I loved how the last day was flipped around.

Ah. Seems there is an unfortunate bug slipped through my iron-clad codebase.

There is the possibility of one package having the same destination as another. If this happens, you can push the delivered box out of the way, and just deliver the new box in the spot. There will not be the spinning indicator, so be careful, lol

Ah. Seems there is an unfortunate bug slipped through my iron-clad codebase.

There is the possibility of one package having the same destination as another. If this happens, you can push the delivered box out of the way, and just deliver the new box in the spot. There will not be the spinning indicator, so be careful, lol

Yeah… I think I did the players a disservice by not baking control explanations into the game or something similar. My son (11), who plays a lot of Geometry Dash, bounced off of this when he first played it. I realized then that I messed up haha

I was planning on having some structured levels in place; my hopes were to ease the player into the controls and mechanics and how they build on each other. Didn’t get around to it though, lol #gamejamlife

Thanks for playing :)

But triangles are the strongest shape!

My take: No.

Thanks for giving it a shot!

it took me a fair bit of time to figure out the controls

Yeah, in hindsight I should have just baked the control explanation into the game instead of putting on itch page.

Feature request: Allow changing side mid jump :D

Ah, that would be a good addition - noted!

Cool entry! Seems we both had some similar ideas with our games, nice to see how you executed on them :)

Cool concept - really would have liked more content.

I see you took a step away from Unity to try Bevy, very cool.

I’ve been experimenting with ECS in a couple of these entries but using tiny-ecs. You’ll have to share your thoughts on Bevy + Rust.

Killer entry! Had a blast playing this, very fun concept.

I was avoiding the purple asterisks, until they were sort of in front of the Chosen One. I thought since they were on the right side of the game, that they were safe. Putting them there was smart because that’s how I learnt that they’re actually badass and very essential.

Music was awesome (all by Kattywampus, right?). I found myself bopping to it.

Unlocking fonts was a fun progression mechanism.

Great work on this!

Ah, I noticed that when you take damage you actually spill out hearts for others to snag - that makes this even more crazy if many players are in the map; very cool.

This was cool!

No fault to you all, but accounts under 18 can’t join playtests (bummer!). I was planning on playing this with my son but ended up going solo and killing some wolves (really glad you put those in there).

I can see the balance between ‘getting good guns and ammo’ vs ‘being vulnerable’ as a fun mechanic. I can also see killing the wolf as a big priority (so you can get more health to get more guns/ammo).

Would love a mini-retro on UEFN to get the teams thoughts on this.

Looking forward to that code 😎

Cool game! Fun map to explore, nice art and music; I really enjoyed it :)

Using spikes to climb up the wall reminded me of Quackshot for the Sega Genesis, one of my favorite games as a kid!

Neat entry!

I started playing my own little game inside of this game, where I rounded up the enemies till they were on top of each other, so I could gain more than one health per shot.

I ended up getting around 30 HP that way :)

Cool game!

I was absolutely crushed by the ‘ending’.

Poor Charity.

I really liked the graphics, simple but smooth and really setting the mood. UI on that machine was a bit confusing, but makes a lot of sense when you get how it works.

I really like the idea, I feel like this has some legs to end up being a fun mix of puzzle/rogue-like.

Congratulations on making your first game and submitting to your first jam! Hopefully the first of many :)

Some players have found poor performance when playing on Chrome. If you fall into the bucket, please try a different browser or download the platform specific executable :)