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A member registered Oct 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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One of the best games on here. Super polished. When I fell into the house I knew this was the game. The gameplay is super fun to play and I imagine myself as a spiderman frog thing, but it's also super fluid in the level design. It's also super unforgiving and fits the theme of Fodian, so thank you for making this amazing game!

Gave it 5 stars for one reason - this game is too good. It's punishing but you learn more and get better as you progress. Another super helpful mechanic is the spyglasses, in which you can see ahead to get a general understanding of the road ahead. I had a very fun time playing this. I also malded at some points. Very great game! 

This is fun but insanely hard to play. Boss fights in fodian????! Really dope. However, I do have a critique... I don't know how many jumps I have after I use the power-up. Maybe the color could change for the light to indicate how many jumps you got? Also, the octopus boss is really hard. Make it less RNG. 

Besides that...

I'm trying to multitask the Keeper of the Caves while trying to figure out where to jump, which burns me out pretty easily. Malding quite a lot, which is intended by default! Good job on that front.

The art. Wow. It's so good. Everything from the game design is stellar. It's insane to think this was made in ten days. 

Crazy good job! Loving the difficulty so far. I'll try to beat it as a casual.