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A member registered Feb 10, 2023

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It was such a fun game! I truly enjoyed my time playing it. I considered myself not so good at action game but I managed to survive since spam clicking worked to attack the enemies XD 

I immediately fell in love with the art style. It was so unique and memorable. Story wise, it has a simple concept yet is so well executed. Within minutes, I was already into the story. It had such a beautiful BGM as well, which I found pretty suitable for each scenario at the same time. I also like that the tutorial was given one by one, which won't overwhelm the player and will help them to memorize the buttons easier. 

However, I think the buttons for skills etc. were a bit too many which was not convenient. The button combo choice was kind of uncomfortable as well. During the time I played it, I found that it was easier for me to just spam left-click and using the Q to defeat the enemies, which to be honest almost made me forget that I had another weapon to choose and also some skills to use. Also, I suggest that the dialogue can be proceed when clicking left click as well since I found it inconvenient to go back and forth between pressing enter and using the mouse. 

I also personally prefer if there was a checkpoint after finishing the waves. An option to skip an already played dialogue would also be great as well. Last but not least, I think the potion was way too easy to obtain. I had around 70 left when I finished the game. It made me more reckless during the fight since potion was not a sacred material and I really suggest that the player was given a limit to how many items they had in their inventory or at least just make the potions more rare to obtain.

It was an amazing game. It was something that I would consider to buy. I would recommend this game to those who like to play an action game with an interesting storyline. I'm excited for the full release, keep up the great work!