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A member registered Oct 23, 2022

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I just beat a Classic Easy Run with the "Level Up Top" Blessing, with TWO TIER 4 HEROS WAAAAAT?!!! The Hero names were "rf−195" (Red Hero) & "b4−880" (Blue Hero)... I'm assuming this was only possible because I skipped 2 upgrades at the beginning by automatically getting a tier 3 Orange Hero (I thought I would just get 2 extra items or NOTHING LOL). However, it was pretty exciting discovering the Tier 4's because I didn't think it was possible... Also, I can't seem to find anything about it on the wiki >_<.  I doubt I am the first to find this! IDK if it was a balance change, bug or secret, either way, this game continues to impress me & suck me in haha having so much fun with it <3 Thx @tann