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A member registered Jul 23, 2019

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(2 edits)

I'm so sorry guys I didn't add in any instructions on how to play the game. Anyone having trouble playing the game have a read of the instructions below.

Press start to begin the game.

Tap on each of the sheep 10 times so that they become happy.

Wait for the sheep to touch. This will create a lamb.

The lamb will soon grow into a sheep and you can then breed it with other sheep.

You can sell sheep by making them happy and dragging on them to sell them.

You gain points by breeding and selling your sheep. Try to get the most points you can.

This is a really fun game but I don't know how to complete the game or anything. Really nice graphics though it looks like you put a lot of effort into it.

This is a really fun game its quite addictive actually

Fun but kinda creepy

It's very fun but there are only three rooms so very repetitive.

(1 edit)

The concept of this game is really good but it is quite difficult


I love the graphics in this game, super simple but really fun to play!


Wow I love this game it is so different from the rest of them. I like the riddles and the end challenges was really hard but fun. Great work!

(1 edit)

This is such a fun and funny game to play! I really like the concept but it is so hard on the last level! (Also great starting page music!)

This is such a fun game! I love the concept and it looks like it was programmed really well