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A member registered Jun 19, 2023

Recent community posts

this game was a good 4-5 minute game play, gave me a jump-scare, unexpected but still got me.

this game scared me a couple times even though i had to play it three times.  I love the game long or short it was a good experience great job.

fantastic game, great Mechanics, wonderful concept i love everything about it cant wait to play the full game.  

love it some silence is good most of the time.

LETSSSSSS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO I FINALLY DID IT. it took me 2 weeks because of breaks to beat this awesome game you created . hate that orphan really bad though. never the less the game mechanics are great and easy to use, love the freind too he helped alot.

marvelous, heartbreaking, engaging, action packed  yet still a bit worrying to me bro, poor villagers

this game is adorable and lovable thank you for the experience. based on how well i can play it,you've worked hard great job.