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A member registered Jun 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, I used this horror song with a low pitch:

Sure, your comments are helpful :).

Getting back to the bug issue, you didn't mention the opened attic door(without the key) in your first comment, so I thought it was closed. Can you please send the video with this error to find out what happened? Because I didn't get any report about this error. Thanks again bro!

First of all, thanks for playing and for the review.
Fortunately, nothing you mention is a bug, let me explain:

- When the enemy catches you, the game restarts from the initial point.
- Key has a random spawn (5-6 differents).
- Artifacts appears only after opening the attic door.
- Enemy starts her way from the attic, so if you don't open it, you won't be able to see her (because she is there). She works through her vision to detect you, so if you are in front of her, she will chase you (i did it this way to make the game easier due to the tight rooms).
- Instructions clearly say that you have to press "Left Click" to prevent your eyes from closing. If you don't press the click for a short time, your player will fall asleep for about 5 seconds and you won't be able to walk (it's narcoleptic).

Thanks for playing! I made this game in 2 weeks as part of a Unity development course. I was aware of the walls bug, but couldn't find a quick fix to get around it.
The bug specifically occurs when you collide with 2 colliders at the same time (for example object/wall or wall/wall).

Thanks a lot!🤗