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A member registered Sep 10, 2022 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

can you please make it 2 player and with people

can you add 1 player mode cuz in online none online;/

Does not even load 0/10 please fix bug orelse 10/10

i hope u keep  devolping wrong speelll

and make private server

host game or join random

and online mode with other people 

minigames to please

And add more maps please

I like this game i was playing a chasing game with the disk lol i kept falling and running on a map that does not kill you when go fall please can you add mods mode if you want to. GOOD GAME!!! 

in multiplayer its not laggy but WEAPONS DONT hit and TELPORT PING ALOT please do somthing to fix this

(1 edit)

Download takin long so i think will be a hard drive