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A member registered Jan 25, 2023

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(7 edits)

I love the story, very interesting with nice pacing, the comedy and references, man you know some good stuff, the scenes, so many good scenes, and the girls are so unique to one another, the UI was great for its time, it was the first game I played that you published, and man, Mike (spoiler) is the best side character, sure, he was kinda annoying at the start, but he quickly became one of the many things making once in a lifetime great. I don't regret freeing this legend of a wingman. Overall, I fkin love this masterpiece, the first adult VN to blow me away. With the amount of passion poured into this, it deserves to be payed, but im so grateful that you allowed us to play it for free, looking forward to playing Eternum when I'm free, keep up the good work Caribdis.