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thanks for playing - there are actually checkpoints - the little red light posts turn green and should respawn you at those points. A lot more work needs to go into it though - Thanks

Great Idea! Lots of scope for different types of levels

Thanks for playing - it needs a lot of work and refining to get it to a decent level, I have lots of ideas and plans to improve it I was just unable to implement in the time I had!

Thanks for playing - It needs a LOT of work before it's really playable but my time was so limited for this jam so just tried to get the general vibe down!

Thanks for Playing and your feedback

Yeah I am not a keyboard player generally so not sure if my mappings are user friendly but hope to incorporate some feedback into the mappings for future updates to get the best user experience!

thanks for playing. I felt like the movement offered the best balance for aiming but if used with the dodge and boost  controls its can become a lot sharper and faster. Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for playing - would love to get some feedback on what controls you think would be best for the keyboard - I am a gamepad player so always struggle a bit with mapping keyboard controls. I will be updating after the jam to try and refine elements and build on this idea so appreciate the feedback. Thanks again

Thanks for playing - I plan to incorporate a hold fire function later on. I am not really a keyboard gamer so wasn't sure about the controls - the experience on a game pad is probably a bit easier for firing but will defo incorporate this feedback into updates - thanks again.

Thanks for playing! It’s my first entry into a game jam and wanted to develop it a bit more but time was limited doing it all on my own and fitting it in around work/family etc. but plan to update and add a few more features in future. My best is about 850 kills so far but I did play it about 100 times while testing!