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prickly pillow

A member registered Jan 30, 2022

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This game gave a steady building scare factor that I really enjoyed! Not to mention it also had a bit of comedy in some points that juat made everything fun. Let's not forget the twist ending omg!! Must try!!

this game is short and sweet. honestly gives me the creeps thinking of what your next door neighbors could be up too!

This game was amazing! The farming sim like gameplay and the beautiful colors makes the game feel chill, while the monsters and the overall tension of only having one life makes for one serious experience.

One of the best Horror Games I have played. So many perfect scares!

One of the best short indie horrors i have played yet!

This was unnerving and terrifying. The stress of trying to make the right choices made for a very tense and exiting experience!

I had a lot fun with this one. That little rascal is spooky man. Cant wait to play again!


Such a creepy experience. I loved forming my version of the monster!

I haven't screamed so loud in ages! This one really got me more than once, and yes I played the game over three times!

The best 2 to 3 minute indie horror out there! It's crazy how such a simple game can freak you out so much!

I loved this game. It was a quick and eerie game with a nice twist if you can catch it!


Loved the monster! Ironically enough, the monster was not my biggest scare which should tell that this horror game is quite good!

Such an awesome game! The sound design and scares where amazing! I couldn't stop being scared! 

Such a great game! I loved trying to figure out its multiple endings!


A fun indie horror! I love the concept put into it! 

Amazing short and spooky game. I love the detail put into everything!

Super awesome start screen! I mean that music is great! The game itself was spooky and to the point. You are gonna get scared!

I loved the concept and had a blast playing this. I've always wanted to play it and i finally got that chance! Also i beat it if anyone wants to see how =)