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A member registered Jan 04, 2019

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is owen route gonna get any updates this year?

(1 edit)

what are your plans with all the pups in rune's training scene?

also will you make the "H" and "S" buttons work again?

That will be so convenient, because the mysterious figure in burry's scene took 2 hours of looking, also I like how every update the VN seems to be improved a lot from the previous build, I can see how much experienced you get and how you take advantage of that, and this is such an amazing VN, keep up the good work :)

I love all the characters, but I don't know how well we will get to know them when we choose a class that doesn't require us to meet them, maybe that will change the routes or story or it won't affect anything, either way this is one of the most hyped FVN along side fbtw and shelter, keep up the good work :)

I found them before the update released smh, I've been playing since the first build of the VN

I know, I wouldn't have found the other 5 without the hints

where is the last mysterious figure in update v9

good news: the creator did not die in the flood

bad news: last thing he said was back in february 2020 on twitter

pls everyone who read this support him on twitter 

best VN ever!

before the update it was a great VN but after the VN it has become my favorite, there are so much content and we are still at the first day of the VN !

so many possibilities for bonus routes with all the new dogs we met (maybe some of them will get their own main route with how flexible the story is)

we can now have an entire update just for the back story with rune and I'd love to know everything that happened that made rune love a human.

we now know more about teak and things might look great for future updates with him.

the story has so much potential and it didn't even start!

that german shepherd and golden labrador and great dane and australian shepherd and shipa inu all of them seem to something planned by rausmutt

I'd also like to know what we will do with all the mana knowledge, maybe we'll find something for rune's arm, maybe that gem can help heal his eye, maybe in the future we will go explore and use pack mentality, so much possibilities from day one of the VN!

I couldn't find the last mysterious figure in rune class :(

also the S and H buttons are not working :(

other then that 10/10 would recommend to everyone.

this update was worth the wait, this VN has become my favorite VN after adastra, pls take your time working on it if every update is going to be this big :)

It's worth the wait and I can't believe how much art work in this one update!

the hard work put into this VN make the VN shine and I feel as if the dev is enjoying making the VN as much as we love playing it.


every furry is right here waiting for the update, hi furries :)

Well the VN is pretty amazing so even if we don't get as much word count at least we know that the game is not rushed and the developer is having great time working on it, keep it up!

Waiting for the update, I've never been excited for an update but this VN is something else!

(2 edits)

for anyone who thinks about trying this VN then read this first,

this game is one of the best, it's charachters will grow on you so quickly and you will love them a lot! the VN has so much art which make it always enjoyable and you will find your self waiting to see what will the next masterpiece look like, the story draw you really fast and it doesn't disappoint when it comes to surprise you, no matter what you expect it will always surprise you.

the only downfall is that the VN is in the early stages and you would want more after you finish.

I would 10/10 recommend this VN and start playing it as soon as you can.

the creator deserve all the support for how much work he put into the VN.

Spoiler alert:

This VN is amazing and pls make a route where we get to be with Neferu, he has a painful past and he is the only person that we trust other then Amicus and he is so hot.

Also pls make our choices more important so that we get to play the game multiple times. 

Thanks for making this awesome VN

For anyone looking through the comments and not sure if this is a great game or not then let me tell you.

First, the story draws you in the game and make you feel like an actual character in the game and not someone who is just playing it. Second, the story is big and you will be overwhelmed on how much work has been done in the game. Third, the more you play the more you love the game and the art style and the more you get attached to the game. Fourth, the game is just starting out and when you reach the end you will be surprised that this game is just starting out and you won't believe that you will get to continue this amazing master piece. 

Overall I would recommend this to anyone and I would suggest to start playing it ASAP.

thanks for telling me

I'm hyped for the update 😍

pls keep working on this game

it's one of the best


Welcome to this weird community 😁

no surprise there!

he have the hottest character as his father.

If you mean to sell him and get money then i already done that and grinded a lot of money

Does the 0.1 ends when you get the chance to move around for the first time or there is something i can do because I'm only fighting the slime


can you please post something on the development log cuz now we need to play the game and go play in every route to know which one got updated

Also sometimes you might rework something and no one will notice

I love your game and keep up the good work I'm sure your game is gonna be one of a kind 

if i can pay money for it i wouldn't mind but i can't 

Still its a good idea 

i always say that little details makes a pro better then the average and little details makes everything better even if no one noticed it

This game is the best <3

In my opinion i think that shoichi's route is amazing even though i really wanted him to win and i wanted more days and a CG but i still think that its amazing and WOTB is trying his best with it

I'm also on pc and alao the android version is the same as the pc

Haruki just got a smile expression and I'm sure that he didn't have it before this update 

Just pay attention to his jaw and you will see it curve a little bit upwards giving the smile that is hard to notice 

(1 edit)

when i say Aki's route i mean that Yuu spend time with him and being the older brother that he needs when he gets into trouble that Yuu had already experienced when he was 12 years old and we can know more about aki and will know yuu even more cuz they are brothers and they will have very similar life when they were young also we will be able to see his social life and know more about Aki's secret "date" and if WOTB wanted to even expand it more yuu will become pro and will start teaching aki and practice with him and he will be slacking off just as yuu did and it will be a great story etc. 

i hate that i need to wait 3 months for the next shoichi update

This game is so good that i can't live my life if i don't finish shoichi's route 

I'll play the other routes after i finish shoichi and then I'll wait for aki's route and then Haruki's route and then Yuuya's route if they will ever exist 

I'm already excited for something that might never come true

Also good job you added different expressions for Haruki and Saya the game is getting better every update 😍🤩😀

please WOTB let us spend more time with aki

It doesn't have to be that we make a relationship with him but he is so cute and he is following his brother bath so spending time with him will be never forgotten and it will be the most interesting story cuz we will get to know yuu when he was a kid

i think its better if he keep everything the way they are

(2 edits)

[Spoiler] if you keep your default name there is a time shoichi will call you (yuu) in the first 3 maybe 4 days and you get surprised and when he ask for a shorter name to call you and you stay with the default name (yuu) he will say that he want to call you that a lot

the game is great and even though i always look for nsfw but this story is very good and i will play the entire game even if it was 1000 days long just to know how will the story go 

Also if we use the default name in the beginning does it change any thing they say?