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A member registered 27 days ago

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Thx Dev :)

Ikd what happened but the discord link doesn't work for me (I wan never tryed to enter in the server before that, there is no way I've got banned). So I use my seccondary account and worked :D. I will love to join you guys in the community

And about the history, sorry to judge só early, I didn't knew the game is SO big and there is so mutch to explore. Now I'm about 10h gameplay cuz I'm só buzy these days, but of course I'll do everything (and maybe join the Patreon)

Hm, hello, I'm new here and I have some questions.

Frist of all, there is a new link for discord? The link here above is not working anymore

I have other question, I start play like 3 days ago and now my save have 7h, I got now my frist ending, the burry's ending, I L O V E that end and fits perfectly in the history (for me is the true ending), but for me there is just one thing mising. In the end the narrator says they still friends after all, but for me is more logical if they become lovers, so I miss one last scene of they asking other to be his lover