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A member registered Apr 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

It's something that you'll have to try to route around, but the game will be a lot more closed at that weight. You should be able to traverse a decent amount of the map at that size, though. Just not all of it.

Oh, right! Knew I forgot something. -2 hours of sleep getting to me. Here's a link to the gain jam! If you're interested in playing games about the gains? That's the place to be.

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Is there a way for this to be purchasable on I noticed that SFRPG had an option, and I was just wondering. Going by tiering 10$ or 20$ if that's what you were planning to release it on steam for) would make sense, but that's only if you wanted to do it.

Oh, i'm sorry to hear that you're being swamped. There's no need to rush. Sorry if I made you feel like you had to hurry.

Hello, it's me again. Sorry for bothering you, but is there an alternate way for me to pay for this update, like a Ko-fi? Patreon doesn't quite work for me. Sorry for bothering you about this again, but I love your work and patreon refuses to let me pay for for it D:

Ah ok. Thank you for responding! I'll be looking forward to the release on the 20th!

Patreon is being a pain in the rear end. Is the game available for purchase in any other ways? Thank you for your time.