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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We're still making updates due to this originally being a Spooktober project. I hope you can try it again next time when we have it fixed up! The game is meant to have 3 endings. :D

Thank you! We're still making updates due to this originally being a Spooktober project. I hope you can try it again next time when we have it fixed up! The game is meant to have 3 endings. :D

Love how me and Famine have a dinner date booked. He's a cool dude. I loved the little stories with everyone and how unique their designs were. No one's aesthetic feels similar to the other one. Also, the stock images in the mc's room made me laugh 😂 Super cool to see a VN like this in the jam!!!

Note for anyone trying to play on Mac. The game won't boot up if you download it on your browser. It works fine if you play it through the app! I'll add a link to the download.

Heyo! I'm the writer for the game. It makes me happy you really liked it. We all burned the midnight oil to make this game in the end but overall we're all pretty stoked by the finished product!

Pretty fun. I wish there was an option to mute the sound effects though. Sometimes for idle games, I'd just like it to run in the background and check it every once in a while.

Ayo! Writer here! We wanted to go the route of the duality having to do with the magical girl's alter egos, as well as The Corruption implied to being something that brings out the worse in people. Due to time, we didn't finish the magical girl transformations and from that the interpretation of the theme may get a little more muddled but after the jam, we hope to add that into the game!

Thank you for asking!

(1 edit)

It is not an apology to come on here and say. "I'm sorry, but I'll do whatever I want." not reassuring? As someone who is Haitian, I do not see myself represented in media. The line was in TERRIBLE taste. You go on a rant that you wanted to tell a story that tackled serious issues but you have to come to the term that many aspects were not done well. They are ways to go about stories when you are not specifically part of a minority group. Get sensitivity readers when talking about cultural aspects and race! Speak to people from those minority groups. DO NOT DOUBLE DOWN. Many people from these specific groups were offended and have ACTUALLY played your game.

Reducing criticism of how you tackled such topics as "Wow, the internet is so mean for no reason." is such a terrible takeaway. It should be an eye-opener over anything.


I'm not Chinese but as a kid in an immigrant family this gave a lot of very cozy vibes to me, sometimes you just want to be around the familiar. 💖