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A member registered Jul 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really hope you finish this some day.  It's pretty buggy but it feels and looks AMAZING.

This game is actually amazing.  It's so simple to play and understand at first but there's a lot of depth.  My favorite class is the gun slinging republican.

I thought YOU were joking.  You have literally the best specs imaginable.

No dude sorry

Cool but please add some graphics settings it doesn't run very well on my pc

Wow.  Where do I even start?...  The instant classic: "One Room, One Roomba." by RenDeveloper is a breathtakingly realistic look into the everyday happenings of a roomba vaccum.  This game will bring you to tears with it's beautiful, rich sound design and 100% original 3d models except for the guitar.  The title music which has the lyric "Placeholder" despite the game being 2 years old is what truly brings the experience to life and ties it all up in a nice little bow.  P.S. The game is actually quite good and is way better than I could ever do.  The only criticism at all is that the camera is a little sensitive.  Other than that this game perfectly accomplishes what it set out to do.  How can you complain?

Do your taxes or the taxes demon will claim your soul.

This game's ability to build tension and make you question what type of game you're really playing, is brilliant.  Very cool

There should be an option to beat the shit out of your stalker; 0/10

Are you still working on this version, or are you only going to update the steam version from here on out?

bruh it says recreation in the title

why would you comment before playing the game