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A member registered Apr 11, 2022

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Thank you so much! :)

Thats ok! Take your time and thank you for responding! :)

Hello! So.... Ive always thought that alot of the bosses are a little to easy. The goblin kind and windego are probobly fine. But minetare should get a dash or should get a progectile to throw. Death and Read Death should both teleport more and or have a move where they summon a scyth circle around you that you have to run out of. And vengefull, should be able to teleport as well as death and read death and his projectiles should have a longer range that way you actually have to dodge them. Because vengeful is the final boss in the game, he should be difficult.  I really enjoy playing your game! I play it all of the time and it is still fun. Nice job and keep up the good work!