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A member registered Dec 15, 2023

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That was a interesting little proof of concept, took about 12 or so minutes to get through. It seems pretty neat and I can see the potential with the memorization and needing to do stuff quickly. 

Honestly, there were two things that I confused me at first. 

Firstly, was the mixing time. I am bad with timing, but I managed to match it with the times the little rod centered itself, which I assume is the solution. It was not that intuitive though.

Secondly, was the scale of the liquids. The first pump seems to deposit a little of the fluid, then the third and four ones deliver a lot. It confused me enough to press a fluid more than once a few times. 

But besides that, I see the potential. And as always, your art is good.

Damn, that's neat. An extra pair of hands on the projects sounds pretty useful. Also, don't worry about the postponement, getting things just right is a process. Take as much time as you need. 

Ey buddy, just came from Reddit to say I like what you got going on. It looks great man, I'll be here when the release happens. Also, stay healthy, hopefully your organs are well.