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A member registered Apr 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey dan :) i keep getting strange bugs on different browsers.. now its working on edge but not on chrome lol, added you on Discord if you could help me out :) thanks in advance !!!

Understood, thank you ! :)

amazing thank you !!!!!!

Thank you for the previous responses! it solved most of the problems!
one last thing, when running the game on chrome everything is working properly, when running the game on edge i get this :
Denied load of: 
chrome-extension://gacgndbocaddlemdiaadajmlggabdeod/injectedScript.bundle.js. Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest key in order to be loaded by pages outside the extension.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 409 ()

is it possible to use the leaderboard on edge ?

(1 edit)

having some issues with this, i installed newtonsoft.json on visual, added the corresponding dll files to the project folder.
yesterday it worked, but crashed after leaderboard was showing on the internet, today i changed the version of newtownsoft to be more accurate to my unity version and now cant upload at all.
getting the:

Failed to upload leaderboard entry.

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)

Leaderboard:<SetLeaderboardEntry>b__5_0 (bool)

do you know how to fix this? 
if i dont import the dll files to my project folder i cant even run the game.
now i dont remember what dll i put yesterday to make it work halfway (until the crash after leaderboard loaded at the end, after keaderboard loaded i saw correct values but then game became frozen and unclickable)

Dan.Main.LeaderboardCreatorBehaviour/<HandleRequest>d__4:MoveNext ()

any ideas ?

(1 edit)

Great tool ! Thank you for the amazing work !!
I am having one issue, when a player gets a lower score, extras still update. how can i exclude updating extras if the score is lower then previous?