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Poro Ward

A member registered Jul 10, 2020

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The game is actually surprisingly good, a friend introduced me to it a little while ago and i've got to say, it was pretty fun for a while.. until it got a bit repetitive. You see, at one point you only get more money and buy more water/movement speed/crop value or different things to plant but nothing else, it does not feel rewarding anymore. Also, if you start a game and want to plant something you bought with the 10 coins you get in the beginning, you cannot do anything because it costs money to plant veggies.. EVEN THE FREE CARROTS. My suggestions would be to add some kind of purpose to the game perhaps, to make the monsters a bit more frightening so that i feel like i Really don't want them to catch me -not only cause i'll lose money- and to look out for things like the pay-to-plant mechanic that might be unpleasant to deal with. Thanks for creating the game and keep it up!