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A member registered Mar 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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wish it gets better :P

shoot in-between the booba

JUST HOLD D you'll sit and rarely get hit and rack up points, so free heals

yay :]

can you make the speech faster? its kinda anoying reading like a robot.

Maybe add <left and right> arrow keys, and more apparent what your supposed  to do, but its good for a start :)

but its easy to pick up the gist of it, my first  game i understand that you have to mack a possible card to your opponents and be the last one to place a card, cant wait to see how it develops, but i can wait till you update it :P

would love to play but all i get is the corner, also pic is 3.3 MB and max is 3 MB so can send you it, sorry, i keep retaking but its to detailed. :(


Could you be able to do something else, or allow us to switch keys? It gets annoying to have to keep  pushing full screen after i check my inventory. 

Sincerely, Ponwol