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A member registered Jun 08, 2021

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Please include it. I'll try for 80 seconds.

How did you get a 202.7 and not die? You can't even see anything!

(1 edit)

I accidentally fell out of the world for some reason. Therefore I can beat all the times here, but I can't die.

The level area glitches out after a while, so the person who said he got 202.7 did it without seeing the blocks for a bunch of seconds. Don't count this time as the player block glitched out of the area, and I didn't die.

I got a 72.8

I'll go for record soon

For number 3, you you bring just yourself, you can escape, but putting the sword behind you makes it impossible.

(1 edit)

There's a softlock if you use two wood to go towards the castle and one wood to go to the heart.

Actually, I found two more

How do you escape the room with the orb? I've tried for a long time.

Is it possible to get global hotkeys on the windows version while using WINE? I can't find global hotkeys in the ini file.