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Polar Bear

A member registered Jul 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm impressed this works without issue on linux using wine love the game, you should totally release the native version for linux!

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Not sure why it doesn't work on windows, I've heard some people have had success installing development library's (like Unity).
I had to switch to Linux and it worked out of the box on Lutris.
Kinda ironic that he dissed linux devs in the videos but designed a game that only runs on Linux lol.

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Very nice I can't believe how quick you released this, it would be nice to show your highscore when you lose

very cool but sometimes it stops letting you break or place blocks.

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Why numpad instead of arrow keys? most people don't have a numpad because of a laptop or just compact keyboards.
A very pretty game for only 48 hours.