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A member registered Feb 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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the ball speeds up everytime it hits something! Up to a certain point because if it gets to fast shit breaks LOL

(1 edit)

like language? C# my bad 😂

I made it in unity!

Thanks man! Yea i cant beat it most of the time either. didnt know if it was a balancing issue or i was just bad but it was too much effort to figure out soooo... xD

LOTR is the best trilogy ever and this is a beautiful game to commemorate it xD


Thanks for the feedback! Definitely need to work on my character controller scripts in the future lol. Also will work on what keys the user can play with!!!

Thank you! Noted :)

Thanks man!  Definitely need to work on the character controller in future games.

Not the best way to find it but atleast you did lol. Controls weren’t as responsive as I wanted but I’ll get better in the future for sure!

Ye ye! Sweet!

Thank you! Glad you liked it! I found your channel literally the day before the jam started and thought “why not? Let’s do it!” So thanks for inspiring me to finally start getting into game development!!

Thanks! I wanted to make it a Metroidvania at first but quickly realized that wasn’t gonna be possible with the time I had. Might try and make it one or restart with a similar art style.

Thank you so much! Glad you found the Easter Egg! There’s no way out of it alive LOL

Thanks! Yea I’ll include controls in the future for sure. I had to rush at the end cause I had to go to work like 5 hours before the jam ended. Lol I was gonna try to have a second level even but it didn’t work out. Next time though! 

Thank you so much! All noted!

did you full screen it?