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A member registered Jul 06, 2022

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Nice! So much potential!

- I think the ball looks to round compared to the overall pixel design. You almost can't see that it rotates.

- field of view could be wider to see more of the sides of the 3D blocks

- Pause should show an - pause - overlay

- Pause on fullscreen (chrome mac) does'nt pause, but closes fullscreen

- How about some statistics? Number of shots, money gained money spent, farthest shot, deepest shot (also markers on the map for those), ...

- I'd like to have a way to reset the game in order to try more efficient ways to level up in the beginning

- Shooting upwards to gain more speed doesn't make much of a difference concerning the money you get, compared to shooting straight forward

- Procedual generation is nice, but what if I wanted to bomb my way down a previously made shaft?

- Maybe show names and price of ores in the calculating screen when hovering over those

I hope this is some inspiration for your developement journey! :)

only sometimes for me. also focussing stopped working right before i came to the boss fight.

funny how some quares with a decent movement system can resemble the spirit of celeste. nice one! 

I got stuck when i fought an armadillo, we both added up our blocks into the infinite each round, but could not deal enough damage to end the battle. No way to escape the battle.