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A member registered Sep 11, 2023

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An interesting game, must I say, especially the art and the character design that's what peeked my interest at first, and I'm must say that the first time I see character sprites like that. 

And for the story, a captivating story none the less, but there is definitely some parts that need refining none the less, hence forth it's still a demo(some people did take that to regards). 

For the characters and their designs I would say phenomenal, all of them are unique in their own way, the overly shy one, the overly excited one, the one with big self esteem and so on...(oh yeah at some point lulu's sprit was just going around the story without the eyepatch and I kept going "that's not her that a clone!" and at the end realized that that might just be a graphical error.)

So should I review this? 


Should people review this? 


It's still a demo, it's just for you to try and ask yourself whether or not you should play it when it comes out so yeah, just image yourself prepare a dish and you just started to put in the ingredients and someone comes out and tastes it and then tell you "it's not cooked and I hate it", nonsense must I say.

So yeah, overall good game that's looked at as a demo not a full game, looking forward for the full release, and I thank the developers for their hard work. 

And yeah while I'm at it I would like to ask the devs if they saw this comment, how long would you guys say it's gonna take for it to be fully released?