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Plastic Fangs

A member registered Sep 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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The topics involved here kind of gave me the ick, but the game itself is absolutely incredible-- very thought-provoking stuff that makes for a harrowing experience. Great job.

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I love love LOVE these kinds of retro-style shooters and DEAD TRASH is easily one of the coolest ones I've ever played. As someone mentioned below, the axe could use some work on it's timing and swing speed but otherwise I'm not sure I would change much else. You did a remarkable job creating this considering Easy FPS Editor is notoriously janky.

Another fantastic game from one of the most imaginative devs around. Can't wait for this to get updated so i can see how the rest of the story plays out. the Voice acting is amaze-o and the artwork is, of course, beautifully drawn as always.

Man oh man this demo was AWESOME!! I love 3rd-person retro survival horror stuff and your take on the genre is very impressive. I even love the creepy carnival setting you chose. Great puzzles, nice inventory screen, different weapons to combat foes-- total package here. Thanks BEDTIMESTORIES for another great game! My No Commentary Playthrough:

One of the best VNs I've played. You do great work!

Cool little game to go out on. You always made interesting stuff-- good luck with your studies and future career!

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What an amazing little horror excursion! The subject matter is a little too dark for my taste but that said, this is remarkably well-made. Easily a 5-star game. My full No Commentary playthrough here:

Awesome game! Here's my playthrough:

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Yeah it's not there. This is a really cool game btw, I love that you combined first-person and third-person perspectives as well as having a cool inventory and different enemies to take down or avoid.

The slow walking speed can get pretty annoying after a while so I just ended up holding down shift to run all the time. Another bug I occasionally encountered was my character would get stuck on geometry or clip out of the screen and I'd have to restart. Also, after loading a saved game inventory items would oddly disappear-- like the battery or the floppy disk, and they couldn't be recovered or found again.

But despite these issues I found myself wanting to play the game again and again because, as I mentioned above, I'm intrigued by the gameplay and the world you've created.

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The spooky eyeball-desktop-event happens and I get a message saying "I've changed the log file location to [This PC/Documents/Logs]." Am I now supposed to track down the code in my computer's files? I half-heartedly tried that but couldn't get anywhere and I'm still clueless.

Can't find the code to the door. Any hints?

Been a fan for a few years now, and you've once again proven you're a cut above the rest. Awesome game.

Another great installment. Keep it up!

I tried 3 times, but it kept crashing. The furthest I got was about 7 minutes in where you are searching through numbered rooms and you have to find "stuff" (no spoilers). I like the dirty, PSX style visuals. At times the environment gets very dark, like maybe we need a flashlight or lighter or something. I hope you can update this because I'd like to give it another go!

Loved this second installment and the implementation of third-person gameplay!

This series is so cool-- thanks for making it! Here's my No Commentary playthrough of Part 1:

The bad: it's too short. The good: I loved the desolate, empty atmosphere of the school. The camcorder mechanic was nice, gives us a new way to look at our surroundings. The music was surprisingly catchy. In an earlier comment you mentioned the game could be longer depending on how much we explore, but I think it's only natural to follow the objective markers when playing a "walking simulator". I know this is one of your earlier games and you've grown waaayyy past it at this point but I'm still enjoying playing through these old games of yours that I must have missed the first time. You do amazing work!

This was a joy to play. i loved the autumnal vibe, and the antagonist was quite unique. The map was huge so lots to see and explore. My one complaint, and maybe this was just a weird bug, but the compass you find mixes up east and west. NW is actually NE, et cetera. That caused me some confusion at first, but after a bit I knew to flip it when plotting my course to the next destination. Is the tree creature somehow based off Irish folklore? At any rate, great job!

Great job making this! I left lots of feedback here in my review, check it out:

You knocked this one out of the park! I left lots of feedback here in my review:

Really enjoyed playing through this. I left some feedback for you here in my review:

What an amazing, thought-provoking game! I left some feedback for you here in my review:

Loved the game! I left  lots of feedback in my review here:

bro just spins in a circle. won't move forward?

Let me start off by saying i LOVE the aesthetic you chose. Reminds me of Stay Out Of The House by Puppet Combo. It takes a minute to get to the scary part but that's great-- it gives you time to be unnerved by the forest area and its odd emptiness.

That said, once I arrived at the warehouse and began exploring, i discovered the antagonist is lightning fast-- way too fast. He sees you >> you're dead. Sadly this prevented me from getting further into the game.

I'd also say i enjoyed the random nature of the "lurker": he can appear pretty much anywhere it seems. If he was toned down a bit I think it would be an improvement, but otherwise I think you're heading in the right direction and with a few tweaks this could be an awesome little horror outing. Following!

Some of the best ideas are short and simple. Loved the concept behind this! Really leaves you thinking about it afterward.

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Awesome game and very polished. The jumpscares are great and the tedium of making the food and beverages really helps to heighten the suspense. An endless mode would be nice, as well as more lore and more endings. Great job.

Oh that makes sense! Thanks for clearing that up. Cheers!

Great game! I've noticed with the voice acting that more often than not, the twins don't speak their lines. Or they will just say "Yes" or "Listen" but not the rest of the sentence. Is this intended? The actors are great and have nice voices too btw.


At first, I was unimpressed. Why is the car/truck parked so far away from the house lol? But by the end you had won me over. The jump scares were very effective and twice I nearly jumped out of my seat! Some mechanics were a little janky (switching from E to LMB was weird) and yet I like what you were going for. The skybox changing colors with the different times of day was a nice touch that I noticed, too. Overall, I found myself enjoying this short little horror outing and now I want to try your other games. You have lots of potential and I'm sure your work will only improve. Cheers!

I love this style of game and your art is stunningly beautiful! All around great job-- here's my No Commentary playthrough:

Nicely done. A couple of jump scares really got me and I enjoyed the music and atmosphere of the game. I wish the mystery lasted  a little longer before all was revealed but still-- this was a well-made bit of horror and I look forward to seeing your progression as a developer! My No Commentary playthrough here:

I did indeed play until i found all endings, and i loved the sense of dread you built up as the story progressed. Can't think of a single negative thing to say! Great job! Here's my No Commentary playthrough:

Once I realized you can scroll the weapon wheel the game mechanics made a lot more sense. As others have mentioned, the reload idea is cool and I liked the stark atmosphere which reminded me of Pony Factory. I assume that was an inspiration? Great job with this demo-- it shows a lot of promise and I wish you good luck on future projects!

You have crafted an amazing little horror game and deserve the success. Very impressed! Here is my No Commentary playthrough:

This was remarkably well done! Love the look and feel-- very ominous throughout. I'd say make the enemy a touch more aggressive next time but yeah this is pretty solid.

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This was lovely! I liked how you added a rhythm game into the mix and the endings were fun to find. Beautiful artwork as always. Great job Saltie!

P.S. I had trouble with the 7th Ending. Any hints?

It's impressive how you managed to include a fair amount of story elements in such a short game. Has a great look about it, and the atmosphere works well. The ending was a little obtuse, but maybe that's what you intended. Keep it up-- I can't wait to see what you do next!


You're really showing your versatility with this new point-and-click adventure. Very well done-- and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment to find out what's really going on. Is it some kind of dream-world? Cheers!