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A member registered Dec 27, 2015

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hey idk if you read these and you get a lot of really nice comments anyway but i really did want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this. i've read a lot of mlm media in my time that has made love feel possible. but this is the first thing i've ever seen that makes love feel worthwhile, like it's actively worth chasing, like the potential for failure and the sacrifices you make on the way are actually worth the joy, even if that joy is fleeting. i've been too afraid to look for a boyfriend for a good 6 or 7 years now, just stuck waiting for it all to somehow get better. and you took everything that's stopped me from taking that first step away from me over, like, 250 text boxes during the third act of this.

i think you changed my life, man. i can't thank you enough