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A member registered Apr 27, 2014 · View creator page →

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So, before I got to this post, I decided to start again, I got my old project, loaded it into GM and it did it's "I need to update" thing. Then, I made sure there was nothing from your stuff in there, saved, closed and re-opened. Dragged the .yymps and did an import all and replace everything choice. This time, the icon for the server was visible, when I tried it the other day, there was no icon, so maybe it either didn't uncompress/save properly (as you know PCs can be weird sometimes) or maybe my AV was stopping it (for some weird reason) and then I'd restart my machine overnight and it stop looking at it? as the blue icon was there, and when i double clicked it, it opened, and my firewall asked me if I want to allow it access, and it's sitting there running now.

I'm a touch confused, as all that is different is 24 hours, but, I can say it's working, I'm sorry if I bothered you with this, maybe I should have tried again before I put in a support request. 

Anyways, if I have anymore issues, I'll reach back.

Thanks for your time.

(2 edits)

Hey There,

So I decided to dust off GM (updated to the latest version) and obtained the version of GMLLive (GMLiveForGMS2.3+.yymps ) first, and couldn't get the gmlive-server.exe running like I used to do back in the day (about a year or so ago) then I thought, well maybe due to having catch_error installed also, so I removed the extension and got GMLiveForGMS2_and_catch_error.yymp and installed that, but still, I'm unable to get the server running.

I've looked through the FAQ and the install instructions and for the life of me I can't see anything that has told me the install/run has changed?

What am I doing wrong, when I double click gmlive-server.exe it just flashes on the screen real quick, I seem to remember last time, it would open what looked like a command prompt window and would be listening to the project in GM?

[edit: I did actually try to compile using the GMLiveForGMS2_and_catch_error.yymp and I got errors, so I guess I need to stick with GMLiveForGMS2.3+.yymps]

Can you help please?