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A member registered Aug 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you. Although the composition is my work, none of it would have been possible, without the great sprite work, I found here on So please take a look at the credits.

(1 edit)

Great idea about the persistent log.

As I saw in Kyles stream, the log is quite buggy, when doing multiple runs. I really hope to come back to finish this prototype up to the point, I intended for the jam.

Thank you.

The big george quest-line is not finished. That should not lead to a crash, but is seems i have forgotten a text-snippet here.

There are more quest-lines I haven't finished. Hopefully this is not a persistent bug. I cannot test ist right now.

thank you.

Sadly i did not have enough time to make things and certain concepts clearer. I hope to come back to the project, but right now, i'm talking some time off.

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The non scrolling screen thing ia a bug, that i could not resolve before the dead line. Usually restarting the game helps.. As the game has autosave, your progress wont be completely gone.

Thanks, I will include the photo-sensitivity warning in the desription.

Hi, yeah this is currently still a placeholder page.

On point. I am using GMS2 beta. 

GMRoomPack community · Created a new topic GM 2.3 Error
(2 edits)


I've tried to get this working with a simple room, but I get the following error on loading (no matter what kind of export I used) 

ds_list_find_value argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGI32)  at gml_Script_room_pack_raw_add_layer (line 231) -                         var l_td=l_qtd[|l_qti++]; ############################################################################################ gml_Script_room_pack_raw_add_layer (line 231) gml_Script_room_pack_raw_run_impl2 (line 360) -         room_pack_raw_add_layer(l_lrs[|l_lrk]); gml_Script_room_pack_load_map (line 62) -     room_pack_raw_run_impl2(l_map); gml_Object_obj_pp_debug_KeyPress_13 (line 14) - room_pack_load_map(_map, _player.x, _player.y);

The function room_pack_raw_add_layer tries to access the map property  TileSerialiseData, which does not exist (e.g. the exported json does not feature a property of that name in the tiles-data)

Any idea what's going on here?