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A member registered Sep 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks Marshall!

Thanks for playing lemm! I appreciate the feedback. Being unable to avoid the cupcakes was kind of the point but, if I had more time, I'd try to fine-tune how many and how often they spawn so it's not as punishing, at least in the beginning. Thanks again!

Had some fun with this one, though I wish you could adjust your throw, maybe hold the mouse button longer to increase power or something like that. Fit the theme well with all the chaos on screen though, those dogs are vicious. Great job!

Really liked the art style! Story was fun as well, at least until I called the boss 😬 Sometimes that's how it goes when you ignore a banana peel on the ground 😄 Hit a couple of the bugs you mentioned but not a huge deal. Good work!

Was able to get the power going for 18 seconds, first second happened right at round change though. Would have loved to have the instructions on hand, like when I hold Tab they show up on the screen. But I do like the idea, nice job!

Thanks for your time Delfos1! I greatly appreciate the comments! The multiple bites per food were meant to show how different food was more valuable point/health wise, as well as thematically be more difficult to eat than the sweets  (kind of like sticking to a diet). I do agree with you though in that it could be improved upon, perhaps less bites overall to avoid slowing down the pace too much. And you technically can avoid the cupcakes it's just almost impossible here due to the format. The game plays much smoother locally (something I def need to work on going forward).

Thanks again for playing! All the best!