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A member registered Mar 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Awesome weapons mod but i have some problem with the malefactors archville. In this mod they also gain the ability to spawn monsters like pain elemental. Its fine for an extra challenge but pain elementals dont start spawning monsters unless alerted. Thats also fine but problem here is in some maps archvilles tend to get already alerted without LOS.(behind a closed door that needs a key for example.) So i spend lets say 10 minutes going thru level before opening the said door while archville just raising a army. And even if i was a good player that can kill the said army or my computer didnt just explode upon seeing thousands of flying cubes. I simply dont have ammo to deal with that because the level didnt balanced for that kind of monster amount in that location. Other than that fantastic weapons mod. Only rival to the ultrakill in terms of original weapon design IMO. 

Very good game but the ending was a bit predictable.

Are you still working on the project? Are you gonna release the 4th character anytime soon? I hope you are doing okay dude.  Keep up the good work.