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A member registered May 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Oh I love the motorhome GFX... Very well done.

(1 edit)

Another question I can't solve.
I edited a nicht Map in the Display mode "Bitmap - Multi-colour" but struggle with getting it displayed in ASM on my C64.
Can you give your users in ASM an complete example who to display a "Bitmap Multi-colour" map / screen.
In my case I just have a screen - no tiles just the font and a 40x25 char map.

I also edited a map (40x25) in Text Multi-colour and when I export the data I thought I would see also the colour data ($D800), but in the ASM file is only charset_data, charset_attrib_L1_data and map_data.

Oh... There ;)

Thanks a lot... I was to blind...

Is there an option to move chars in the charset from position a to position b?
I would like to organize the charset for better programming stuff like a vertical font scroll for a game.

Will there be an update with a fixed version? 
On Disk 1 the last 6 pictures are missing.
Can you tell us the timestamps of the movie for the pictures, our post the missing pictures here?

Love this toll for getting inspirations. Every cent is spendend very well for the license.
A future version could also make use of a running up an down animation. :)

(1 edit)

Awesome... Nice tune...

Awesome fast... Thank you! 

(1 edit)

macOS Ventura 13

PixelOver 0.12.1

  • new picture (320 x 224)
  • activate indexation
  • palette is empty
  • try to load a palette (click on open) -> nothing happed
  • try to load a palette again -> program crashed

Godot Engine v3.5.1.stable.custom_build.4b03bf0b7 -

OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: Apple M1

Async. shader compilation: OFF (enabled for project, but not supported)

ERROR: Error parsing JSON at line 0: Expected 'true','false' or 'null', got 'palette'.

   at: parse (core/bind/core_bind.cpp:3282) - Error parsing JSON at line 0: Expected 'true','false' or 'null', got 'palette'.

ERROR: Error parsing JSON at line 0: Expected 'true','false' or 'null', got 'palette'.

   at: parse (core/bind/core_bind.cpp:3282) - Error parsing JSON at line 0: Expected 'true','false' or 'null', got 'palette'.