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A member registered Aug 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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I just want to say "Thank you!" for posting such an great game for free!
Since I'm on my own playing around with an RPG Maker - I wanted to see how people - far more professional than me now - design theyr game, to get a clue what a one person project could be able to become.

I have to say you inspired me a lot in terms of creating own artworks to make a game more personal. I have loved all the little details, like an character who's drank a tiny cup of coffee, to get a better coversation atmosphere.

The howle game was fun to play and the cutscene artworks were - for me - the icing on the cake and fit very good in there - it was beautiful - realy - I loved it!

So thanks again! :D
(Hope you're able to understand what I wanted to say - I can perfectly read english but
have never learned grammar - sorry xD)