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I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to add a tutorial at first, but I lost a lot of time fixing bugs with the behavior of fishes. That said, I'd like to update it after reviews for the jam end, and one of the things I'll add is a tutorial.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Assetwise, the shark is the one that took the most time (besides the background), since it's the first time I've done any animations, and I'm not really good at animations.

Thanks a lot for the feedback. I've never really worked on 3D games yet, so I'd have to look into it, but maybe down the line I'll do it, but I still am looking into updating this one before, once the rating period ends.

Thanks a lot for the feedback. After the ratings are finished, I'll probably update it, and one of the ideas I had was to add different difficulty levels for more experienced players.

Thanks a lot. I'm very happy that you liked it.