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A member registered Aug 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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I am in love and in awe, this is amazing

I have to shamefully admit that I did not win this game.

By the third time I got properly jump-scared by an alien ship, my blood pressure was just a bit too high to keep trying.

I will revisit it though - it was very fun, and such a neat concept:) The controls made sense and the assets worked quite well together:)

Good job on making a fun and challenging chicken shooter:D

Hey, this is lovely:D

I loved the character art so much, and the writing was really funny, good job on keeping the player engaged.

I ended up picking Sebastian, but it was hard choosing - I would've tried to walk away having befriended the host if I could:D

The selection mechanics were a bit counter-intuitive to me though, I always found myself trying to pick the people I wanted to eliminate - like, if they disappear from the card pile, they disappear from the game sort of thing.

Over all though, it was great, amazing job:)

Hi, thank you so much!

The software for making voxels I used is MagicaVoxel, it's really fun to work with and has some really nice (imo) lighting presets if you wanna render stuff in it, highly recommend you check it out if you ever feel like dipping your toes into voxel art:)

The grainy filter was just unity post-processing on the main camera, I would love to learn to use render textures instead, but this turned out to be a nice substitute (and again, very easy to use, which is a huge plus:D).

I was thinking of highlighting the pick-up-able objects as the player hovers over them, but again, didn't have time, will have to look into that as well later:)

I will neither confirm nor deny my stance on Rubber Band