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A member registered Sep 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi guys, thanks for all the comments. I've been away for a while, starting a family.

I appreciate all the support you guys have shown. I can’t express how much it means. Please keep playing and leaving feedback. I’ll take all the learning from the comments into my project, Zuri.

Thanks, I'll be polishing once I've gone into BETA. Thanks for playing, glad you like the music.

Thanks for playing both games. Environmental storytelling will be something I'll be working on. I've been trying to get all mechanics working around a soft story outline, but I'm almost ready to dive into the story development. 

Thanks. Yes I’ll be throwing up a rom soon. 

Thanks for playing glad you liked the direction. Yes that’s a great idea I’ll implement that change. 

If you can get back to the ship. Press "Hints"

Thanks, hope you're enjoying the game.

I'm not sure what the font is called I adapted it from a font used in another game called Big Karnak.

Thanks for checking out the game. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you. Glad you're enjoying it. We're still working on refining the experience. 


Thanks. We'll let you know when we've pushed a significant update.