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A member registered Oct 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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ur happy...

i have same proplem if i try in app, it comes up with an error :(

rito thx


(1 edit)

thx a ton m8.

ummm tbh i dunno that much about that kinda stuff, could i do that for win10?

thx anyways tho

me to... i played once, but when i tried to get in later, i get this. My main display is 3840 x 2160 n it sais 

Switching to resolution 1024x768 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: could not switch resolution (1024x768 fs=0 hz=0)

thx if any1 could help :/

i figured mebbe take pictures of the  places on the photo board, but iv got absolutely no idea where some of them are.

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well its insane graphics n game altogether, but all iv found of interest is the camera, the photo board and the cave thingy, n iv looked around 4 ages. how do i find more stuff/go to next level? im lost.

(ps i thought fs19 graphics were good till i saw this)

thx m8

I have a DJI controller for a phantom 4, and I know that it can input to the pc in some way, as I use it to control the DJI flight simulator, but I was wondering about getting a more hobby-style  racing drone. The problem is that I want to practise a bit in simulators before I buy one. Does anyone know how to get a DJI controller to work with this sim (or sims like it)?


dude did u just make an account called dickhead so u could say that :P

dude it sez up there that there will be bugs, plus id luv 2 see u do any better... 

if u dont like the game, friggin back off n dont play it

what armour do u have, i was just thrashed over and over again by every enemy of manetec, hardly making enough money per trip to repair my guns, but as soon as i made enough to afford the cheapest armour, it all went better from there. its seriously worth it

lvl 28 :P 

how far have u got thru the story ?

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i just realised that i have about 80 hours on this game, but i quit ages ago cos i spent about half of those hours on the final boss (the enclave ship) D:

if any1 can, heeeelp plz

also is there much story after that boss like does anything happen about redeye?

PS. im like 3 lvls too low for it :/  

sup only just saw ur mesgs, checked them out then, not bad

not bad 👍

wow... just opened the game and i love the graphics, it looks just right

keep it up

It looks good n i want to like it but it lags too much 4 me, which is a pity, cos it honestly looks real good

I have a logitech extreme 3d pro joystick. When I do the controls setup thingy when i first click into the game, it will recognise my stick's axiis but when in the actual game, it ignores them. The buttons on my joystick work, but not the throttle or stick movements. this is a pain, and if anyone has had this problem n fixed it, could they tell me?

also, how do i reset the controls settings to default?

thx peoples

RADIOACTIVe community · Created a new topic Not bad so far

looks like its going 2 be good keep it up👌👍

Yes, I reckon this game would be much better if we could make bigger, more realistic maps, with better buildings that we could go inside and explore.

I reckon that blocky maps such as most maps on there make buildings impractible, as walls are too thick there is no detail so it is harder to find your way around.

my only complaint is the ending of the story (unless there is more, but it says  100% complete).  she gets back to earth and matheus stays there forever basically? it would be cool if it actually had an ending. either way, im not sure if ur still on itch, but if u r, i want to tell u that this is nowhere near as popular as it should be, insane job.

btw i don't mean to sound demanding, ur an insane developer to have done all that yourself

i was just thinking it would be easier for me to design the whole map in an external program, or atleast make more buildings that you could go inside/ explore

is there any way to import my own 3d models into the map editor?

Kepler22 community · Created a new topic actually very good

this is actually very well done, better then what i expected

how come i can't connect to the server?

I have tried with downloaded version (through app), or online version

really wish they kept making that, aye

I had it long ago... im pretty sure i found it about the time i was at the stable 88..... brass buckshot will probly have it about then 2

yeh mine did that 2 so i pressed the cog in the bottom right and pressed force close, then opened it again

strange, 4 me that  was fine but it wouldn't really respond to any taps or swipes or anything...

I'm really confused is there a story?

Will it work on mobile... I try it and it seems glitchy

whats ashes of equestria?

righto thx m8

also can u sell weapons? i cant seem 2 B able 2... and i have old useless melee weapons & crappy guns with no use for them

wow this seriously good, only 1 problem my browser doesn't support flash anymore and the .exe lags like crazy in spots...(downloaded through the itch io app)... is there anyways i can fix it