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A member registered Dec 05, 2021

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AH!  Thank you for the information!  I never tried that option since I didn't have any trouble getting aroused lol.

How do you get this scene?  I've tried everything I can think of but I'm out of ideas xP

Certainly not a form I would pick, but I love how wholesome the whole thing is!  I wouldn't mind playing cards and cuddling with the big bug :3

I'm honestly shocked I beat it on my second try.  I was kind of confused the first time, but everything starting clicking once I was in the second match.

If you click RMB enough times/fast enough the task list will get stuck up, which I thought was a bit funny

Pretty good!  I like the art style and sound effects.
I do wish the key cards/readers were a little more obvious but other than that a pretty good, little game!  I wouldn't mind playing a "full" version of this that's a bit harder.
Keep up the good work  and hope to see more games in the future!

Okay... I assumed it was calculated like "damage" + 1.25 x "num. of waters" so with three it would do 4 damage.
I'm not sure how it goes up exponentially.  With 8 waters it would do 3x damage, 12 water it would do 4x?  What exactly is the formula to calculate its damage?

Unless I'm misunderstanding something the "will o' the wisps" don't seem to be be working.  I have three waters and they still only do one damage...

It's about darn time xD
I thought the robots and the spiders would interfer with each other but thankfully I managed my first win.

I became one with the blocks... I think I'll give up on this last puzzle -_- lol

The "waste per second" doesn't seem to do anything?

I am not a fan of that constant chanting or whatever...
Maybe I missed it, but having a codex that keeps track of the various combinations would be very good.  After five or six plants/mushrooms I'm already forgetting previous combinations or what combinations I've tried and what they did.

I don't even really know what the game is asking of me.  Can I make multiple connections?  Does it want just one timeline?  How close am I to the solution?  I'm not going to spend forever switching stuff around until I happen to stumble upon the correct answer.
A neat idea, but without any sort of feedback... no thanks.

I don't know how Game Jams work but hopefully the people judging it are using the "azerty" keyboard because I'm sure not putting up with this weird layout.

Having the equipment sorted into categories would be nice.  I did get 3-stars first try so I guess I'd make an amazing squire.

But that's kind of what you're doing now anyway.  Except in this case you have to retype the whole sequence or figure out the whole thing in your head.

He's not the only one getting thirsty... :O

I enjoyed it but did I do have some suggestions.

1) Having a grid so I know how far I need to go

2) Being able to "lock-in" to a puzzle so you can use your up (and down) arrow key to bring up previous entries and then left/right arrow keys to be able to move through your runes to fix a mistake


3)Having the path be drawn as you type in the runes.  Because right now you either have to enter in the runes over and over, slowly making it longer a few runes at a time or figure out the whole sequence in your head (which I did because I found the other way annoying, especially since the runes didn't line up to the previous ones so it was harder to re-enter)

30 minutes; 1358 clicks
I had a bug on the math drawer so I had to replay it.
The planet puzzle was so cool, and the game overall was awesome!  There were some minor problems with knowing solutions and the game breaking a bit.  Like entering the piano code and the star beside it turns invisible.
Even with the problems I still rate this 10/10.

Same thing happened to me :(
I beat the math game and didn't think anything of it and when I exited I saw the drawer and it dawned on me what you're supposed to do.  I went back into the math game, used the notes to get the symbols and left.
When the music kept playing I was worried, especially when I went back to the computer and it was off :/
Oh well, guess I'll start from the beginning.

The art style is very charming and I had fun playing it :3

I'm pretty sure I 100% the game although I am missing the equipment left of the bombs...

The only complaint I have is the wall jumping is a little awkward.

A few things I noticed:

-The screen moving gets stuck for a few moments at the right and left edges

-Are you supposed to be able to place the blocks on top of each other?
-I found myself trying to place the blocks back were they are stored manually or the block storage would obscure block placement (lower opacity when hovering over for fix?)
-There was an instance where the robot made it, but trying again didn't, even though nothing changed
-Having switch modes be "space bar" instead of enter means you don't have to move your hand from WASD

I found that the materia and money system only really played a part right at the beginning and right at the end.  Perhaps make things a bit more expensive so you have to pay attention to them throughout the whole game.
I think it was Antimony (the one with the zig-zags on top) that needs a few extra circles or you can just draw a line straight across, and the curved bottom can be a triangle.
I did like seeing the money go up at the end, although I did almost miss it.  Perhaps instead of having it overflow and go negative, use the infinity symbol?
Overall, not bad!  I finished it in 16:53

One thing I don't like is how jarring death is.  Have a little death animation, then accelerate toward last checkpoint or whatever...  Makes me jump so I didn't finish.

At first, I wasn't exactly sold on Mori.  I thought he wasn't my kind of guy... but he definitely grew on me.  Plus, who could say no to that big, muscular, demon cat UwU
I'm eagerly looking forward to future updates! <3

So are you telling me that unless I paid "$7.99 USD or more" for the World Land Trust Bundle all I have access to is the Android version?  Is that true because I don't have Android...

I didn't realize I needed to check over sixty game pages for fine print :/