I definitely will! I'm a big fan of post apocalyptic type things so it's right up my alley :)
(Also sorry if all the edit notes were a bit much)
Just wanted to mention, spotted a small typo on page 7. I'm guessing its meant to be "House rules are always acceptable and encouraged." (Missing the d) not a big deal, just wanted to let you know :)
(Also on page 33, for the Jack, the failure section is missing a "w" in "now". Page 38 next to ex-ranger, it says "Gain 1 additional Player Attack phase on the". Page 39 in description, "grabbing on is not" should probably be "grabbing one is not". Page 40, it's should be its (couriers comet description, also burnt toast))
Sorry if this is annoying, once I get started looking for typos I have a hard time stopping. I can delete the comment if you want :)
It may not seem like it, but I've really been enjoying this rpg. It's really well put together, and definitely one I'll be making a friend or two play with me :)