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Phim Somnium

A member registered Nov 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for letting me know!

I've had a quick look and found that it was due to a misspelled variable. 
I was able to fix it, so you should be able to click on the edit party button without any issues. 
Although you currently aren't able to select any new party members, only Phim, but I plan on changing that in later updates. 

Hello everyone and thank you for checking out my game!~ <3

I decided to create this discussion thread so that any users who come across a bug or issue with the game can easily post about it here to bring it to my attention.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I appreciate it greatly.

The problem is essentially the game trying to load config save data that hasn't been created yet, it's set up to catch any old versions of the game so that they can be updated/overwritten, but if you dont have any config save data, it runs into issues. 

The good news is that this was brought to my attention previously and i've since sorted out the problem.

the bad news is that because I'm halfway through my next updated version, I wont be able to hotfix it until the next update, which should hopefully be available next month.

The good news again is that I'm fairly certain that this is an issue for the downloadable version of the game only, so the browser version should still work fine.

Is this the browser version of the game, or the downloadable version?

If you're playing using a save from a previous update, you might run into unexpected issues.

I've tried playing through myself and was unable to replicate the crash, if you can remember any other details I can check it out some more and see if I can pin down what caused the issue.

(1 edit)

Okay, so I managed to fix all of these issues except for the experience thing.

The reason hp and mp doesn't increase is because you have to apply the level up for it to increase your stats, and levelling up is disabled for this update so I can fix it up and add spells in future updates, though you do get access to more spells than you usually would to make up for it.

Equipment is something ill be working on after i flesh out the level up system.

It'll also include the ability to have debilitating Equipment forced onto you so that should be fun~

Right now  there are two bad ends, and all bad ends can be escaped.

the end of the main story content for now ends after you defeat Alikhan.

Once all the appropriate content for the castle is filled in, the main story will progress towards the next zone.

Sorted that too now, as well as an issue with the load button in-game.
I appreciate you letting me know, though there isn't any extra content for the armoury so far.

Should be sorted now, if you run into any issues please let me know :3

Thanks for playing, I hope you enjoy!~

I'll have a look at it now and see if I can get it sorted.
I imagine it'll be a spelling error in the code, so I should be able to push out a quick update without disrupting the save

So I had a look at it, and I think the issue is to do with the respect level being too high to trigger the scene.

The plan is to increase and decrease respect based on dialogue choices, as well as by winning or losing combat encounters, however since the trigger for actually getting into a fight with kobolds is based on respect, it means that untill I add repeatable dialogue options that lower their respect, you can be locked out of the scene if you don't submit to the Lion at the start.

Not to worry though, there's a lot of content in the next update that deals with that, and I've also  increased the respect required to avoid a fight so you'll be able to encounter them, even if you impress them at the start of the game.

It'll be released in the next update which I'll release after I finish the next load of content planned, as well as after bug testing, likely in December

The kobold battle encounter is an extension of the scene in the kitchen that unlocks after you visit the kobold quarters for the first time.
Bad ends remove you from the usual rotation of scenes and substitute their own in, so if you're in a bad end currently, you'll need to escape it to return to the regular rotation of scenes.

I'll double check and make sure that transitioning in and out of a bad end doesn't cause any issues though.

Thanks for your compliments on my game, I appreciate you commenting ^v^

I think atm, the Kobold battle scene can only be triggered once you progress the main story and meet the Kobold Chief.
Once I get comissioned art for the castle characters sorted, i'll be able to go through and comission art for drawings mentioned in scenes and stuff :3

If you're looking for the profile and battle art assets just in general, they can be found on my discord :O

Thank you for the feedback!

There's going to be a lot of changes in the upcoming patch which releases later today which will solve this bug, as well as a lot more extra content.