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A member registered Jan 23, 2024

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Some nicely nuanced weighting and timing on the character. The constantly rotating viewpoint makes it quite hard to view. A static c amera might be preferable.

(1 edit)

A game of two halves.The scene starts nicely enough, (the take-off). The second half feels a bit rushed. I think it needs some further refinement to remove the neck intersecting with the ground and add secondary motion to the body and wings. Promising scene though.

Some good understanding in the use of Unreal. The actual anim set is quite limited, but they work nicely.

Some nice, if a little restricted, animation work. Would be nice to have seen some variations of idles etc. The jump back up could maybe do with some grounding in reality to help sell the move a bit more, but generally some good solid basics in this submission.

Good to see the use of UE in this submission, but there are several issues with the actual animations themselves. There's a lot of unnatural leg movement taking place, sliding feet and weighting/timing issues. The 'Fire' anim is far too slow to read as a rifle being shot.( Research real-life weapons etc). The hands aren't attached to the weapon in large segments and very unnatural finger-posing. I would probably recommend producing fewer animations, but working them up individually to a higher level. Look more at how humans move in real life, this will help your performances.

The Idle anim seems rather forced, unfortunately, as does the looking around section,( the head should ideally lead the action). The attack is very off balance as well. I would recommend studying lots of animations, and indeed live-action films, just to try and get more of a feel for more natural motion, weighting and timing.