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A member registered Feb 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Somehow the file got set to hidden. (my comp did crash while I was editting the page so there’s that) No biggie, it’s up now

(1 edit)

At the moment no, Sorry,  but when I revisit these in the future I'll make sure to add that.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

😱 I thought I caught everything! I'll fix it asap! Thank you

Edit: are you referring to the way that some of the belt plating was in front of the back leg, or how the belts on calves where a bit weird, I fixed both in this image


lemme know if that's not it.

definitely. I'm currently going through all three and adding more to them.  

Definitely. After a few days to look them over I felt like these character packs are good but a bit bare. I've got another project on the docket right now along with prepping another storefront, but I'm gathering ideas as to necessary additions and updates to this and the other two character packs

That's the plan. I'm going to wrap up one more player character then start on a couple of monster sets to match. 

thank you!

I think I know what's causing that error and it's from my laziness. there's gonna be a big overhaul thanks to an engine update very shortly so I'll see to it when I get to that.  As for the wall run mechanic. It's got some nuance in it that I didn't get into the tutorial level because I was in a hurry. In short, what ever button you're holding when you hit a wall matches what ever direction you had momentum in. IE hitting a wall holding left with upward momentum means left goes up the wall. and vice versa. It comes from trying to make those wall run sections where you hop between them easier, but even I realized odd angles can be a bit of a challenge. I'm thinking of having the up/down keys override the initial heuristic when applied. my goal is to make the movement controls come across as intuitive, as I've played a similar game where fighting the controls was half the games difficulty.