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A member registered Oct 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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proper duck games more like not proper duck games

(2 edits)

The player is a triangle shape, like the pizza.

Muito Obrigado!


Text Jam community · Created a new topic done rating

just finished rating everything

Liminal Jam community · Created a new topic beanrooms


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ok and btw if you do another one send link to me


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I am pretty new to python, but have learnt alot from making this, so maybe a sequel could be made where there are more endings? idk.

its true

Eat (the) Rich! community · Created a new topic ?

"We don't accept any discriminatory content based on gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, religion, etc. If we see any content that seems to go against this rule, we may take any action we deem appropriate, including warning the participant or removing them from the jam."

Well then what the fuck am I supposed to make my game about now?

It's pretty close to the deadline, and I am not even close to done yet, so is there a possibility that we could get a bit more time? Maybe one or two days?

The file is literally only 1 kb I just realized lol

asking what?

ngl, beanrooms better

go complain about it here btw

it is better though

wow i am totally not here because gamebuger is holding me at gunpoint.

ngl, beanrooms better.



if gameburger is good with it


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How do I delete buttons in the interface editor?


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Not one of my best works. This game was mostly a joke.

Why the fuck is incest one of the fucking tags on this game what the fuck was this made in Alabama or some shit?


Thank you.

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I am assuming you are under the age of 5? Yes? Unless this is satire which it probably is.

Eu vou jogar o seu jogo.

I cannot tell which message is from whom.

who tf is the one talking


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I tried to use the theme by making bird and carl move slowly, but they are still quite quick.

My discord username: joyfulstone

Discord display name: edward robinson (as of 12/17/2023)

lol nice

MixJam 3 community · Created a new topic Prompts

I put my prompts on the game's description, so if you want to see them just go there.

No, the bright part is supposed to kill you the dark red part does not.