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A member registered Aug 04, 2023

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-SPOILERS- question for people who have completed the game

BTW I was just wondering were there things that were simply there to throw you off but had no actual use to complete the game like the coffee pot or the crossed out 782 on the note or the commercial excerpt webpage? or did someone find out what they were for?

Okay then... that was fun.

It definitely threw me for a loop a couple times and I did kind of cheat by glancing at other comments when I got stuck but I still feel proud being one of the first 100 (?) people atleast, to complete it.

I love games like this and i'm still surprised to have come across this so early since i've only ever played mobile games before yesterday, I guess I was just lucky.

I'd say my most favourite thing was the elements outside of the game itself so the websites since I loved having the game spread across a different medium. My least favourite thing was the repetition of things that you can't bypass for example not having control over whether you look at the phone right after waking up but I can imagine that that was intentional to emulate the feeling of an office worker having to do the same actions again and again and again.

Overall it was a very fun game and took me almost 3 hours to complete from start to finish including looking for help from outside sources. I'd be very glad to see a sequel or more games like this.


Hint so i dont spoil all of the fun. the game continues outside of the app so you will need to use the internet aswell.

I hope that helps since i wouldnt have figured it out without your help.